At this year’s annual meeting of the “Research Association for Science, Disarmament and International Security” (FONAS), which took place from 28th to 29th September 2022 in Darmstadt, Germany, Stephanie Schmidt (Universität Hamburg) presented our project. The mission of FONAS is to promote the scientific work in the context of disarmament, international security and international peace. Accordingly the presentations over these two days primarily came from the fields of scientific-technical peace and conflict research as well as peace computer science on biological and nuclear security. These included fascinating presentations by Jürgen Altmann (TU Darmstadt), Ole Lemke (Universität Bochum ), Christian Reuter (PEASEC), Stefka Schmidt (PEASEC), Jonas Franken (PEASEC), Laura Guntrum (PEASEC), Gunnar Jeremias (ZNF), Dunja Sabra (ZNF), Benjamin Jung (RWTH Aachen), Max Schalz (RWTH Aachen), Lisa Beumer (FZ Jülich), Bernd Hrdy (BOKU Vienna), and Ingo Kock (BASE).
Information about the conference program and on FONAS can be found here.